Monday, February 8, 2010

Taylor Swift at the Grammys

Alright, so this post may not be the best in quality. Honestly, I'm only writing this right now because I need a post up so I can properly modify the template for this blog. But, this is a recent event, so I think it's something worth mentioning.

First things first: Taylor Swift is a sopping bag of fail. She cannot sing and she sucks at guitar. She's a worse singer than me, and that's saying a lot. As for her guitar playing skills, knowing basic chords does not make you a songwriter. As with most modern country artists, you won't find too many chords in her songs that can't be found in a beginner's lesson book. Her only fans are 14 girls and boys. Because only girls that young would possibly consider what she does talent, and because only boys that young think she's hot and want to fuck her. Same reasons Miley Cyrus has fans, actually. And if you're thinking to yourself, "I'm older than 14 and I like Taylor Swift," then perhaps you should rethink the music you like. Because you're wrong.

As for her performance at the If you haven't seen it yet, check it out here.

She starts off the performance on her own with instrumentals. A good ear can tell she's sharp in this, but if you can't, wait for her backing singer to start singing (she puts her to shame, and she's a BACKING singer). You can clearly hear the pitch issues here.

Then...Stevie Nicks comes out. This is basically where Taylor decides it's okay to piss all over music. I heard that Stevie Nicks said she counted at least 32 wrong notes (not sure if it's true or not, but hey, Taylor Swift sucks, so let's assume it is). Personally, I think that's an understatement. There were times she got so sharp, I actually spasmed while trying to type. It basically had the same effect as if you kicked a dog right next to me.

I've heard people say, "she's young," or, "she's not perfect," or, "she was nervous." While all of those might be true (especially number 2), what is also true is that she is a PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN. That means she gets paid to perform. She doesn't get paid to be nervous, or to not be perfect. If she can't perform right, then why should she get paid to do it? The sad fact is that that excrement spewing bitch still gets paid to fuck up because her fans are too young and/or stupid to care about musical integrity. They like a pretty voice and superficial lyrics.

Also, before you start saying, "She has platinum albums and Grammys," as if that's any sort of counter-argument, think about what you're saying. You are telling me with that that you apparently judge the quality of music based on its REWARDS and NOT its MERITS. In other words, you think music is good because its popular, and not necessarily because its actually good. And if that's the case, your opinion is null and you have no credibility.
